Katrick Technologies’ passive cooling installation with iomart wins Digital City Award.

Katrick Technologies and iomart have won ‘Best Use of Emerging Technology’ at the Digital City Awards in Manchester. A phenomenal first for the groundbreaking innovative installation.

In October 2021, Katrick Technologies in partnership with iomart installed their world-first Passive Cooling technology at their Glasgow data centre site. Results from the installation demonstrated that the system can save up to 70% of the total power consumption across cooling power, and a further savings of up to 25% for the entire site. Additionally, up to 100 tonnes of carbon emissions can be prevented by the application of the technology. The win for both companies cements a dramatic shift in how data centres consume power to attain their Net Zero goals.


Greenbackers and Dubai Expo 2020.


Katrick Technologies named one of PwC’s Future50 Net Zero companies to watch.